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Dear Friends in Christ,


"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:15-16).


One day as I was sitting in my study, meditating on the appointed texts for the week, and working on a sermon outline, my attention wandered to the overcrowded shelves of my library.  The amount of time represented by just one shelf of books was stagger-

ing.  If the time spent writing all the books in just my small library was totaled, it would probably number in the thousands, if not tens of thousands of hours.


In the course of a year, you have 8,760 hours (add 24 for a leap year) to use as you see fit.  There's no way to get any more.  At first it seems like a lot, but when you get busy with work and travel, appointments and obligations (not to mention little things like eating and sleeping ), the time can pass very quickly.


As Christians, every minute of every day is spent in service to God.  Now this doesn't mean that you have to spend every waking moment in church.  What it means is that everything you do, whether it's taking care of your needs or the needs of others is a way to serve God.


God has entrusted you with people to care for.  This is not only your children and grandchildren, but your friends, neighbors, coworkers, clients, patients, the people you interact with every day.  As you care for them, you are doing it out of love for God.  This could be as simple as being faithful in your job, kind and generous to those in need, or praying for the people in your life.  Even when you are caring for your own needs, you are caring for the body and soul that the Lord has entrusted you with.


This all comes together each week in the Divine Service.  God gathers us as His people to serve us, and prepare us to go out and serve others.  He fills us with His love and forgiveness, unites us with His Son in body and soul, and blesses us on our way.


As you look back on 2024 and look forward to 2025, give thanks for the many ways that God has blessed you and used you in His service, and pray for Him to guide you in the year to come.


God's richest blessings!  See you in church.


​​​​​​​​​​​Pastor M <t><


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